Tuesday 15 November 2011

"A Drum, a drum, Macbeth doth come!"

I decided to join this year's school play, Macbeth. Mainly because one of my friends asked me, and I agreed to give it a try. As a result, I landed with 3 different roles, one of which, has many lines. Honestly, I can say it was very different from any other plays I've been in. Most plays I've participated in were joyful plays, where there were always happy endings, and I was usually found in a corner of the stage, being part of the chorus, or part of a group that reacted to anything one of the main characters said.

Macbeth on the other hand, is a violent play, where there is a lot of blood, killing and fighting. In addition, the whole play is written in Elizabethian english. This made it a challenge,  because I didn't understand a word I was saying, and I had to memorize the incomprehensible lines.  However, as time went by, and as I attended practices, and acted out my scenes, I started to get a sense of what was going on, and I began to like it. It's a whole new experience for me, and even though I complained about staying after school every single day, I don't regret auditioning, because it gave me an opportunity to step up to this whole new level of acting, and I got the chance to know people.

Now, the multiple shows will take place this week, starting tomorrow. We all have our lines memorized, and we are ready to go. Hopefully, everything will turn out okay. :)