Wednesday 9 May 2012

Final Reflection

Through out this year I have been able to participate in a variety of activities that I've learned a lot from, and enjoyed taking part of them.

My goals for my activities were to learn from them, understand their importance, make friends and gain experiences that would help me in situations in the future.
I have been part of the cast of the school play Macbeth, I designed and painted a mural at the school campus,  took horse riding lessons, I also had the chance to go target shooting, participated in the talent show as I preformed a dance routine with two of my friends, sang at the Operation Smile concert, had the opportunity to travel to Marich for our IC Trips and helped people from the area, and finally, I was a member of the Interact Club.
It was definitely a challenge to take part in many activities. Sometimes being engaged in more than one at the same time was difficult as these activities were time consuming. I had to learn how to balance them with my time.
However, I believe that the outcomes were positive, as I was able to take part in them, learn, and was able to give something to people and help them. Whether it was feeding them, playing with children, bringing a little more colour to our school campus, or participating in an even where all the money gathered would go to a good cause. I have seen through little things, one can make a difference.

I have, however encountered difficulties, as sometimes I no longer wanted to be involved in an activity, because I was busy with other things, or I simply did not like it. But could not quit because I knew that I have come far, and quitting would not be beneficial to me, or to any of peers in any way. One does not achieve anything, if we simply give up. Therefore, through these difficulties, I have learned to be patient, and wait till the very end, because after all it really was worth it.

I believe that through this variety of activities, I was able to reach my goals and objectives. I have learned a lot from others, about the activity, and also, I have learned a lot about myself. I was able to learn that I have been given so many chances, opportunities, and commodities as I go to a good school, and I am given so many privileges some are not given. I have also been able to bond with, and meet many people, and develop  friendships with them as they helped me paint my mural, or had to act a scene in Elizabethan English with them, or contribute in some ideas during our meetings of the Interact Club.

Through these experiences and activities, I have learned a lot I could apply for future situations. I have learned that it is important to always try, and give your best and do it with all your heart in everything you do in life. Always have something to offer people, and be willing to help them. You may only be one individual helping, but it can, and will make a big difference. In the end, it will always teach you lessons, and gain experiences that will allow you to grow as an individual.

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