Wednesday 9 May 2012

Final Reflection

Through out this year I have been able to participate in a variety of activities that I've learned a lot from, and enjoyed taking part of them.

My goals for my activities were to learn from them, understand their importance, make friends and gain experiences that would help me in situations in the future.
I have been part of the cast of the school play Macbeth, I designed and painted a mural at the school campus,  took horse riding lessons, I also had the chance to go target shooting, participated in the talent show as I preformed a dance routine with two of my friends, sang at the Operation Smile concert, had the opportunity to travel to Marich for our IC Trips and helped people from the area, and finally, I was a member of the Interact Club.
It was definitely a challenge to take part in many activities. Sometimes being engaged in more than one at the same time was difficult as these activities were time consuming. I had to learn how to balance them with my time.
However, I believe that the outcomes were positive, as I was able to take part in them, learn, and was able to give something to people and help them. Whether it was feeding them, playing with children, bringing a little more colour to our school campus, or participating in an even where all the money gathered would go to a good cause. I have seen through little things, one can make a difference.

I have, however encountered difficulties, as sometimes I no longer wanted to be involved in an activity, because I was busy with other things, or I simply did not like it. But could not quit because I knew that I have come far, and quitting would not be beneficial to me, or to any of peers in any way. One does not achieve anything, if we simply give up. Therefore, through these difficulties, I have learned to be patient, and wait till the very end, because after all it really was worth it.

I believe that through this variety of activities, I was able to reach my goals and objectives. I have learned a lot from others, about the activity, and also, I have learned a lot about myself. I was able to learn that I have been given so many chances, opportunities, and commodities as I go to a good school, and I am given so many privileges some are not given. I have also been able to bond with, and meet many people, and develop  friendships with them as they helped me paint my mural, or had to act a scene in Elizabethan English with them, or contribute in some ideas during our meetings of the Interact Club.

Through these experiences and activities, I have learned a lot I could apply for future situations. I have learned that it is important to always try, and give your best and do it with all your heart in everything you do in life. Always have something to offer people, and be willing to help them. You may only be one individual helping, but it can, and will make a big difference. In the end, it will always teach you lessons, and gain experiences that will allow you to grow as an individual.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Operation Smile Concert

Held on April 14th 2012, the Operation Smile club organized a concert at ISK to raise money for children and their opportunity to have an operation. Some of the members of the club asked the Composer's Club, another club in ISK, to join and preform on that night. I wasn't part of any of these two clubs, however, I still got the chance to preform with some of the members from Composer's. 

My sister was one of the members of this group, and one of the people that helped organize this concert.
One day, she offered me to sing backup, and harmony along with two other girls in one of the songs she was going to sing. I agreed. 
In addition, I also helped her compose two of her original songs, by helping her write the lyrics. 
One of her songs was called "Replay".  She asked me if I wanted to sing the song by myself for the concert.
When she asked, I honestly was uncertain. One part of me wanted to sing it, but the other was too scared too mess up the song, and later embarrass myself in front of everyone.
Singing is one of the things I like to do the most, along with dancing. However, sometimes I find it difficult to preform in front of people because I tend to get nervous. But I took the opportunity, and agreed to sing. I thought that it was a good chance to overcome the nervousness and get comfortable with large audiences.
Uncertain of whether it was a good idea to agree to sing, I tried to practice as much as I could. My sister helped me with the melody, and helped get a solid understanding of how she wanted to song to turn out singing-wise. However, as I sang, I always felt like something was missing. But I couldn't put my finger on it. 
Days passed, and we reached the point where we had to practice on stage, with the instruments, and microphones. This gave it a whole different feel, and it helped me get a little bit more comfortable. However, something was still missing. 

The morning of the concert, I finally understood why I wasn't comfortable singing the song. I realized that the song was too low, and it prevented me from reaching climatic points in the song, and I couldn't transmit much energy. Last minute, the key of the song was changed, and I felt much better.
I felt very nervous before singing "Replay" as I started to shake, and was taking deep breaths very often.
I got on stage, shaking even more, but still trying to put a smile on my face. As I began to sing, I noticed that my voice didn't sound as well as when I practiced it. My voice was shaky, and had less strength, and less energy. Plus, my arms were shaking, so I avoided any movement that would make that obvious. 
However, as the song went by, I started to feel a bit more comfortable, and tried to put a bit of energy. 
By the end of the song, I believe that I became more expressive in the way I preformed the song. 

I do, however, feel I could have done much better, but I understand that nerves can prevent a person from giving their full potential. And this is something I would like to overcome, by participating in events like these, and little by little get more comfortable. 
By the end of this experience, I've learned that, I may not have sang the way I wanted to that night, but it serves me as a good experience for other future performances, and try to improve from there. I can see that you can also apply this to other situations in life. One cannot be good at something straight away. It takes practice, and experience to become skilled. And even if sometimes something doesn't turn out the way you planned it, you can always learn from those experiences, and improve from there.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Interact Club: International Commite

This year, I decided to join the Interact Club.
My sister was part of it the year before, and she talked to me about it. She told me it was a club that helped people in Kenya, and take part of various activities. I became interested, and decided to join the club the next year.

As I entered Interact Club I was put into the International Commite. This specific commite is in charge of contacting other Interact Clubs in Kenya, and/or other countries. However, apart from this duty, every member of Interact must participate in a range of activities such as the Runda Feeding Program, OVC, or fund-raisers ISK holds. And I have to say that through-out this year, I have gained many experiences through each of the activities.

This activity consisted of going to play with children from a school that is located very near to ISK.
As we arrived to the school, you could always see smiles on the children's faces. During the time we were there, we played games with the children, danced, taught them games, and had fun. Sometimes, in some special occasions such as Christmas, or Easter, the children would come to ISK and spend the day swimming, eating, or using our sports courts to play games. Us, being students from ISK are very lucky to receive a very good education, and a place where we can learn that is in good condition. However, as we go play with the children we put aside our differences, what we have, what we don't have, and enjoy each other's company and share the happiness with them.

Runda Feeding Program:
In this activity, it consisted of meeting on Sundays at Java, and leave all together to this place in Runda where we fed people. I remember the first time I went, I was shocked. Shocked because, when the time came to distribute the food to the huge amount of people that were waiting in line, I realized how lucky I was to be given  so many privileges, opportunities, and commodities. It was an emotional experience, as you saw little kids carrying their siblings on their backs, while holding plastic bags waiting for you to give them food. It ranged from little children to adults. However, they all came from long distances to obtain a bit of food. One by one, they all formed a huge line, with empty plastic bags waiting. We had to distribute the food very quickly, as we had a limited amount of time, and so many people to feed.
However, the part that I hated the most was the end. When the food was already distributed, and most of the people got their portions, the situation always got violent, as more people begged for more food, and guards had scream at them, and hit them with sticks telling them to go away. I believe that, that is not the way to handle the situation.
In general though, I think that it was a nice experience to take some time out of the day to do something good, and helpful. In addition, it is an experience that really teaches you to be grateful for what you have, and always be willing to give a hand to others.

In conclusion, I enjoyed being part of the Interact Club this year, because it gave me the opportunity to know more about the situations Kenya faces, but it also gave the opportunity to help. It gave me the chance to actually value and be thankful for what I have, and to realize that people are still happy with less than what I have. Material isn't everything, and it cannot bring you happiness. But you can actually share it, and help others.

IC Trip: Marich

For this IC-Trip I chose to go to Marich, out of all of the other trips that were offered.  Last year, I would hear my sister talk about the trip, and that made me want to go. She told me it was a lot of fun, because you bond with friends, but you also have the
opportunity to help the people from the area, as well as learn about their culture. 
I really didn’t know what to expect of the trip. I was the only 10th grader, along with another girl, with whom, I wasn't really friends with. But as the trip went by, I was able to meet people. 
Apart from the bonding I did, the trip to Marich also taught me to be grateful, and appreciate all the things I have. Because nowadays we take everything we have for granted. I've noticed that Marich is an area that has been isolated from Kenya, a place that doesn’t receive much help, and still needs development. Yet, the people seem to be happy with what they have, even though it’s not much. I believe that in our lives, we have the need to want more and more, even when we are given so many things and so many opportunities and we still don’t seem to be grateful for what is given to us; whereas for them, they are thankful for the smallest things that they are given. 
When we went to the bridge ceremony, I saw that so many people gathered to celebrate, to dance, and to give speeches and thank people, including thanking God.  For some of us, it might just been a bridge that will enable people to cross from one side of the river to the other, but for them it symbolized hope, and a bigger step towards improvement, and development. It is a bridge that will save lives, and that will help them in the future. Another aspect that I noticed and enjoyed from the trip was the fact that we were able to interact with people from that area. I wasn’t able to take part of the building
of the playground, but I still had the chance to play with the children from the school. Playing with them taught me that they can have fun in the simplest ways, which are singing, dancing, and running around. Which is something, most kids in our society have forgotten to do. Nowadays, children need computers, phones, and video games to have fun. It was nice to share different games we all knew. We didn't speak the same language, but it still wasn't a problem for us, as we always found a way to communicate.
Whether it was making signs with your hands, or saying a word or two in Swahili. I saw that the children over there took whatever they had, and made the most out of it, and had huge smiles on their faces. I was even given the nickname “my favorite mzungu” by a few children. Which made me really happy, because I was enjoying their company, and so were they. To me, this trip was also a way to disconnect from the chaotic life we lead in the city, where we don’t have time to appreciate much, where we are always in a rush. It was a trip that allowed us to stop for a moment, and see all the things that are given to us, and appreciate them, as we can’t appreciate them in Nairobi, or any city.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Horse Riding

As an activity out of school, my sister and I, along with another friend of ours, Flagot, decided to go for horse riding lessons.

I decided to take the courses because it looked like a fun activity to do, and because I love animals.
However, I have a fear or riding horses, so I wanted to take the opportunity to overcome my fear. 
As I went for my first few lessons, I was very nervous because I didn't trust the horse, but I still was able to do what the instructor asked me to do. After a few lessons I was able to trot with the horse. 
Unfortunately, on one lesson, my horse wasn't obeying me, and was behaving strangely. This worried me a lot, and I was getting scared, but carried on trying to do what the instructor told me. Suddenly, the horse takes me by surprise and starts galloping/cantering quickly. This scared me so much, I started screaming, to a point where I almost started crying. The horse didn't stop, until one of the instructors had to calm him down. 

Since then, I stopped attending the lessons. I find it a pity that I stopped, but I wasn't feeling comfortable riding horses, and felt like they could sense it. I also wanted to be able to enjoy the experience of interacting with animals. But unfortunately, this wasn't one that I enjoyed.
Even though I stopped, I still feel proud that I took the initiative to try to overcome one of my fears. 

Talent Show

This year, I decided to take part of the talent show. I wasn't able to last year because I was a new student in ISK, and I didn't feel comfortable preforming in a new environment, with new people.
However, this year I decided to dance with two of my friends Reggie and Zeeshaan. Two people that also share the same passion for dancing.
It was a really long, but very fun process. We were able to put many ideas together, with our different styles of dancing to create a  routine.
We stayed after school during many days, and even came to school on our break to work on our choreography.
I think that through this process, not only we learned a lot about each other and bonded, but also we learned how to accept new ideas, and work as a group in order to make things work.
I noticed that we could have used more time to prepare for the talent show, since we would get distracted a lot.
But in the end, we were able to create and learn a choreography, in a short time period. Unfortunately, we didn't win the talent show, but we had a lot of fun, showing people what we love to do.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Mural Painting

Since I am a person who likes to draw a lot, I took the opportunity to paint a mural at school.
I decided to paint what I knew best: my doodles.

The process was extremely long, which, involved staying some days after school on really hot days. However, I always had help from my friends. It was definitely harder than I thought it would be. It is easy doodling on the back of a notebook, but painting a four-paneled wall was difficult. I had to bring different paints back and forth, avoid any mistakes, and new ideas would come to my mind which made me want to start all over, or change some parts of my mural. In the end, I made a lot of changes, because accidents did happen. But in all, I am pretty happy with the result.

These murals have been a good opportunity for students who enjoy painting, to show what they can do, and at the same time, put some colour to our campus. It's always nice to leave a mark in the school.

Target Shooting at the Rift Valley

I went Target Shooting at the Rift Valley with my family. My sister and my dad would go often, so I decided to go see what it was like, and give it a try.
 In all, it was a very exciting and intense experience, because I never held a gun, let alone, pulled the trigger of one.

At the very beginning, I was really scared because it was a real weapon, and everything you did, had to be done carefully, and everything was taken very seriously.
The people monitoring and supervising, taught us how to use the gun, showed us some techniques, and when  all the beginners felt confident to give it a try, we were all lined up in front of a board for us to aim at. I was really nervous at first, but started to get use to it. However, it takes a lot of concentration and steady hands in order to shoot. On my first go, which was 10 meters away from the board, I aimed mostly at the center of the board, so I was happy. After a few more rounds, I decided to step back to 20 meters. Which, was a bit too far, and I  didn't score any points.

In conclusion, I really liked the experience because I thought it was something out of the ordinary, but at the same time, something very fun, and exciting. However, it also showed me how important it is to know how to handle weapons, and that they should be not treated as toys.